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Sequence 1 -

Introduction Saloon lifestyle.

Sequence 1 - Introduction Saloon lifestyle.

This Part is about life, the life that occured in the saloon.
So there is basically a lot of noise.
Different sounds.
The Main reference of this introduction is the instroduction of the movie "City of God".
I used many similar shots and I really loved the way they shows life and movement with many different angles of views and camera shots.
But I also loved the sound design of this scene wich is extremely cash, almost not mixed, brutal and clear, like the movie Fight Club.
Here you can find the references:
The other references are more for the whole movie.
I loved the movie "Le grand Mechant Renard" for the clear sound design too.
That's more like a classical sound Fx.

To resume the first sequence audio part:

1- The Pyramids - John Chewey to guide the main idea.
2- Saloon / Bar main noise.
3- Clear sounds to fit with the animations.

Sequence 2 -

Bister in the Saloon / Bister outside.

Sequence 2 - Bister in the Saloon / Bister outside.

This part is divided in 2 sections.
First, the one in the saloon, Bister at the Bar, trying to drink while he is earing heavy smash noises outside.
And then, the part oustide when Bister went Outside and is obligated to fight that heavy brutal monkey.

Part 1 - Bister in The Saloon : 

Part 1 - Bister in The Saloon:

This part is the following scene after the sequence 1.
So we have got the same atmosphere, but we are focusing Bister at the bar. All the living noises of the saloon are in the back, I mean like an "audio blur".

We can ear the main music, "The Pyramids - John Chewey" as an ambiance.
Basically, all the sequence 1 is still alive, they don't stop moving, playing music, playing cards, etc.. But we are now focused on something else.


Bister is trying to drink, we ear the noises of the glassof milk he have got in the hands, but he cannot drink because every time he approach the glass,  an heavy SMASH noise appear outside.
He is the only one who noticed it, but he jumpscared all the time.

The SMASH noise is an important noise because it's a very narrative noise. It tell the spectator that something is going wrong outside the saloon.

I think this is the most narrative sound of the movie.
Again, reference is Fight club, heavy smash sound, loud, brutal, resonating. Spectator is almost sacred like Bister.


Bister want to go to take a look, he jump to the floor, and go outside of the Saloon.

bar bister.jpg

Part 2 - Bister Oustide :

The Atmosphere is totally switched.
We go from a Western Saloon, full of light and life, to something black and white (the outside is really black and white in the short) and almost dead, scary.

The main reference here is Smart Monkey.
In this part, we have got a pure "sound porn", I mean, not to much sound but good definition and the essential.

This is a fast part, many things gonna happen really fast. I think that not to much sounds, but more realistic sounds for something cartoon, would bring the horror effect we are searching here.

that's it, we are here into pure horror movie.

We have got the Flying bats swarm flying off the screen, it make that famous vampire effect. We can ear the leaves Moving.


Something important. They are some Waterfalls far away. Maybe we can ear them a little bit. You could try. I will make them with after effect for the compositing.


The outside is showed only with one shot. The other ones are with the characters.
So only this backgroudn represent the ouside of the saloon. I hope it will inspired you.

singe bleu.jpg

Here is an good representation of horror western with that "sound porn"

effect I'm talking about.

This is a scene from the movie "Bone Tomahawk", excellent horror western movie.

This movie really got a similar ambiance as what I'm looking for the oustide part.

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